Katharine House Hospice - MirrorSphere's Christmas Charity

MirrorSphere Chooses Katharine House Hospice As Christmas Charity

Nic EssonMirrorSphere News

This week two of our directors had the privilege of visiting one of Oxfordshire’s amazing charities – Katharine House Hospice

MirrorSphere is donating money which would otherwise be spent on Christmas cards to the hospice which helps people with life limiting illnesses and their families.

Spencer Dauphin and Kelsa Duffield met chief executive Angharad Orchard at the Adderbury-based charity to launch what they expect to be a continuing relationship.

We’re sure Katharine House Hospice would sincerely appreciate other businesses in the Oxford area following our example by ditching the Christmas cards in favour of making a difference to the lives of those who need it, and that our customers will be happy with a simple e-Card this year, safe in the knowledge that it means a deserving cause is benefiting from increased funds.

Katharine House Hospice - MirrorSphere's Christmas Charity

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