MirrorSphere Future Tech Star makes BBC News!

Nic EssonMirrorSphere News

We’re bursting with pride in the MirrorSphere office… our Future Tech Star winner Sam Walton made every bulletin on the BBC News yesterday!

Sam Walton, 16, is an Air Cadet with the 150 City of Oxford Squadron. His winning Future Tech Star entry was a server to help other Air Cadets communicate with each other whilst undergoing flight simulation training, this is permanently live and is used throughout the country. Sam’s design means training can now mirror that of the RAF.

Watch the fantastic interview with Future Tech Star Sam Walton and MirrorSphere Managing Director Spencer Dauphin here:

“He truly deserved to win the title. It is hugely important to us that young people are given the praise and recognition they deserve.

We are thrilled to award Sam this prize for all his hard work and talent and we wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours.”Spencer Dauphin, MirrorSphere MD

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