Enterprise Vault

Enterprise Vault 12.1 Released

Chay DouglasEnterprise Vault

9 Months after Enterprise Vault 12 was released by Veritas after the demerger from Symantec, the first service pack has been announced.

Enterprise Vault 12.1 is here

Along with many bug fixes and ensuring that the Enterprise Vault is the most stable and most reliable than it has ever been, Enterprise Vault 12.1 introduces some new features.

Click here to read more about how MirrorSphere can upgrade you.

Search Improvements

Since the search was completely revamped in Enterprise Vault 11.0.0, every major EV release has improved the usability and stability of this search.

EVS (the shorthand for the new Enterprise Vault Search) was a much needed improvement to the legacy search and archive explorer features of Enterprise Vault versions of old. Whereas there were previously two separate panes of glass to view your archives, EV11 combined the two with a cleaner, more user-friendly interface resembling the Outlook client that the end-user is more used to. Enterprise Vault 11.0.1 further stabilized the search and Enterprise Vault 12.0 improved the look and usability including allowing the option of the UK date format that frustrated many of our UK clients. Enterprise Vault 12.1 sees improvements to the Outlook Add-in and OWA tie-ins and enhancements have been made within the search to the toolbar and icons.

Newly introduced with Enterprise Vault 12.1 is tag searching. If items have been tagged within the eDiscovery tools of Enterprise Vault, the tags can now be searched within the Enterprise Vault Search.

For users with File System Archiving, whole folders can now be archived and replaced with shortcuts with the folders being searchable in EVS.

eDiscovery Improvements

With Veritas recognising that Enterprise Vault is less and less frequently used reducing storage footprints, due to storage becoming more affordable, they are focussing their efforts on producing the best eDiscovery platforms available.

The great power of Enterprise Vault is that items are not only archived but are indexed and fully searchable. By utilising the eDiscovery platforms this data can be better managed, with retention categories being deployed to providing results for litigious searches we can ensure legal requirements are met and/or irrelevant data, such as commercial newsletters, are not held for longer than necessary.

Enterprise Vault 12.1 improves classification features in particularly a tie-in to Data Insight. Combining Data Insight with Enterprise Vault File System Archiving and utilising the eDiscovery platform, trends can be discovered and access permissions can be analysed allowing decisions to made on securing file and folders as well as planning for future growth better.

Click here to read more about how MirrorSphere can help you utilise these technologies to manage your Unstructured Data.

Archive Permission Auditing

Enterprise Vault 12.1 also introduces more comprehensive auditing of who has permissions to which archive. Now you can feel 100% confident that Exchange Permissions are being inherited correctly and ensuring that any special privileges have been set correct without users having access to emails they shouldn’t.

SQL Server 2016 Support

With the Enterprise Vault 12.1 service pack, SQL Server 2016 is now supported.

If this was the Service Pack you have been waiting for, do not hesitate and let us upgrade you. Click here.

Enterprise Vault 12.1

You can read the official word from Veritas on Enterprise Vault 12.1’s new features here.

Enterprise Vault 12.1

Still unsure? Fill in your details below to have one of our team call your back to discuss Enterprise Vault 12.1 in person